Thursday, February 25, 2010


The Bluebuck or Blue Antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus), sometimes called Blaubok, is an extinct species of antelope, the first large African mammal to disappear in historic times.It lived in the south western coastal region of South Africa savannahs, but was more widespread during the last Ice Age. Europeans encountered the Bluebuck in the 17th century, but it was already uncommon by then. European settlers hunted it avidly, despite its flesh being distasteful, while converting its habitat to agriculture. The Bluebuck became extinct around 1800.Ini juga merupakan species yg paling unik skali sbb warne biru....


The Irish Elk, Megaloceros, is misnamed, for it is neither exclusively Irish nor is it an elk. It is a giant extinct deer, the largest deer species ever, that stood up to seven feet at the shoulder (2.1 meters), with antlers spanning up to 12 feet (3.65 meters). The Irish elk evolved during the glacial periods of the last million years, during the pleistocene...

The last stand in Ireland..

Unable to adapt to the subartic conditions of the last glaciation or the marked transition that occured after the final retreat of the ice sheet, the largest deer that ever lived became extinct, the last one in Ireland dying around 11,000 years ago. Megaloceros may have possibly survived in continental Europe into historic times.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Why did the dodo bird become extinct?

Nak tahu kenape.....nih sume disebabkan manusia yang selfish...
The dodo were hunted intensively by travelers...Aq terbace news...bahawa sebuah kapal pergi kat pulau dodo then they eat that bird because they can't find any time tu ade buah-buahan dan burung dodo nih lak dalam ancaman kepupusan....kenape mereka nk dtg ke pulau yg x de pape tuh dan mereke x didakwa atas punca kepupusan burung nih WTH.....grrarrhh manusia mmg ade jugak haiwan yg mkn burung nih...tu pon sbb hukum alam prey-predator....x pe arr....


This news telah memgemparkan JEPUN pada 21 Januari 2007...

The frilled shark was thought to be extinct itself; ... On January 21, 2007, a specimen was found alive off the coast of Japan near the Awashima Marine Park,Shizuoka, southwest of Tokyo...The specimen died soon after capture....


First skali aq gune blog nih untuk tujuan lain......mean bukan lah utk ttg life sgt....ade bende laen lah yg aq akan add.....ehehhe...

u want to know me???for someone who don't want just click the X button kat atas tuh....

1.I love animals...if can i want to discovered all animal on earth
2.I hate someone who hurting animals....
3.I am Muslim...I LOVE ISLAM...
4.I am WOOAP organization of animal protection
5.I am discovered about extinct if u want to know
always visit my blog....

Thats all about me......btw nice to meet u :):)